Mr. Kevin Daily Appointed to FW Governing Board
Pima County School Superintendent Dustin Williams announced the appointment of Kevin Daily to fill the open Governing Board seat in Flowing Wells that came about with the recent retirement of Jim Love. Kevin Daily originally was elected to the Flowing Wells Governing Board in 2000. He served for 22 consecutive years, ending his most recent term in December of 2022.
Mr. Daily brings a wealth of knowledge about the district and the community, understanding the challenges of school funding, the importance of excellent teaching and learning, and the essential nature of our district culture that prioritizes relationships built on trust and shared values.
In addition to his service as a Governing Board Member, Mr. Daily leads the Flowing Wells Neighborhood Association and Community Coalition (FWNACC), a citizen's organization focused on revitalization of the Flowing Wells area. Through his leadership and partnership with local governments, businesses, and churches, the FWNACC has secured millions in grant-funded investments for our Flowing Wells neighborhoods.
Additionally, Mr. Daily co-founded Tucson Crime Free Coalition, a non-partisan grass-roots organization focused on solutions to reduce crime in the greater Tucson region. Kevin and his wife Marie are the authors of Images of America: Flowing Wells, a history of the Flowing Wells region and school district. Kevin is a graduate of Flowing Wells High School, as are his three children. We are fortunate to have Kevin Daily returning to service on our Governing Board.
He will be sworn in by County Superintendent Williams later this week and will join the other Board Members at the regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 14.
Congratulations, Kevin Daily!