Title III – Language Instruction for English Language Learners and Immigrant Students

FWHS Ambassadors

English Language Learner Program

Identification Process

• Evaluation begins with the collection of the Home Language Survey.
• Within 30 days of the first day of school or 14 calendar days of enrollment thereafter, all K-12 PHLOTE (Primary Home Language Other Than English) students who do not have a current state approved language assessment, will be assessed for speaking, listening, reading and writing English proficiency. Parents will be notified of their child’s eligibility with recommendation for placement.
• Eligible students will be placed in the appropriate SEI (Structured
English Immersion) English Language Development and mainstream classrooms according to SEI model requirements.
• Students will exit the SEI program by scoring Proficient on the AZELLA (Arizona English Language Learner Assessment) which is administered every spring.
• Following exit from the program, students are monitored for two years and may be referred for support services if needed.
• While students develop proficiency at different rates, enrollment in the SEI program is generally two to three years. At the high school level, incoming freshman who are identified as English Learners are generally able to be on track to graduate in four years. In some cases, summer school is needed to catch up with credits as students become proficient in English.
• While enrolled in SEI programs, English Learners who are identified as exceptional students may also receive instructional services within gifted and special education programs.

Structured English Immersion Classes

All classes (except world languages) are taught in English. Instruction includes targeted English language instruction and integrated content instruction. Targeted language instruction is designed to develop receptive, expressive and interactive English proficiency and includes instruction in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. Integrated instruction is designed to further support English language development as well as learning in the content areas that include English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Instruction is provided by an SEI certified teacher, a bilingual education endorsed teacher, or ESL endorsed teacher who also holds the appropriate certification for grade levels and content areas.

GOALS - Students in the SEI program will develop the ability to speak, read, and write in English. Students will be expected to achieve at or above grade level in all academic areas.

MATERIALS - District adopted textbooks in English are used for all subjects with the addition of supplementary curriculum materials. A list of adopted texts is available at your child’s school.

Language Education Policy
Program Options - Grades K-12

All students have a right to the opportunity to develop a full command of the English language and to be provided, at their local school, an English language public education, and as permitted by law, to develop skills in the use of other languages. In Arizona, English Learners shall be educated through Structured English Immersion. Parents may request waivers for their children to be taught through bilingual education techniques as available and permitted by law. Parents also have the right to request that their child is removed from English Learner programs as permitted by law.

SEI Model Descriptions

SEI Newcomer Model - The SEI Newcomer Model provides two hours of Targeted English Language Development and two hours of Integrated English instruction to include Math, Science, and Social Studies. Classes within this four- hour program are solely for ELs who have received less than two years of instruction in U.S. schools (or interrupted instruction in US schools) who are pre- emergent/emergent or basic level ELs.

SEI Two-Hour Model
- The SEI Two-Hour Model provides two hours of Targeted English Language Development as well as support for English language development in Integrated mainstream classes. Targeted classes are for ELs only. Integrated classes are mixed with ELs and non-ELs and include Math, Science, Social Studies.

SEI Pull-Out Model - The SEI Pull-out Model provides one hour of Targeted English Language Development by the ELD specialist outside of the mainstream classroom. Students spend the rest of the day in the mainstream classroom for Integrated instruction with non-EL classmates that includes language instruction in Science, Math, and Social Studies.