Fingerprinting Information

All fingerprinting sessions begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Human Resources Office at 1556 W. Prince Road.
Don't forget to bring your driver's license or a valid picture ID. No appointment is required. First come first serve. 

If applying for an IVP fingerprint card, bring a money order or cashier's check for $67.00 made payable to Department of Public Safety and an additional $10 for the fingerprint rolling fee (cash, check, or money order).

New Hires (Support Staff and Paid Coaches):

Cost: $22.00 - Must be paid day of fingerprinting with check/money order or exact change cash. (we do not have change) Results are sent directly to Flowing Wells and the new hire is not issued a fingerprint card. 

No fee - must complete the volunteer application 

Dates are subject to change. Please call Danielle Rubio at 696-8825 or [email protected] for additional information.

How Do I Renew My Fingerprint Clearance Card?

1. Please visit the Department of Public Safety website and click “Apply for a New
Clearance Card”. Create an account or log into an existing account. You will submit an
online application.

2. On the "Reasons" page, be sure you select IVP Renewal on the dropdown menu. In
lieu of setting up an appointment to be fingerprinted, you will be required to provide the
IVP # that is on the front of your current card.