Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.)

Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.)

The Y.E.S. Program is a before− and after−school childcare program for children in kindergarten through sixth grade, ages 5 -12 year olds. The program is specifically designed for students in the Flowing Wells School District.

The staff members at Y.E.S. plan fun−filled activities that will excite and stimulate your child. There is a free afternoon snack, and then the children are separated into small groups according to their age. Typical daily activities include: homework time, arts and crafts, drama, thematic projects, and organized games.

In order to register for the Y.E.S. Program, the following forms must be turned in:

Y.E.S. Enrollment Form
Y.E.S. Parent Agreement
Emergency Information Card with a Current Copy of Child's Immunization Records
Material fee (Non-refundable) will be billed to student PowerSchool

All the forms can be found in our Y.E.S. Program Brochure by school:

Every year, we need a new copy of your child’s immunization records, so please make sure to bring that when you register. You will also need the name, phone number and address of your child’s doctor and two emergency contacts who do not reside at the same address as you or each other. Your child cannot attend the Y.E.S. Program until we have all this information.

There is an annual, non-refundable materials fee per child each school year. The materials fee is $30.00 for the first child, $25.00 for each additional child. Children are admitted on a space-available basis.

The billing rate is $4.20 per hour per child. For employees of Flowing Wells Unified School District, the billing rate is $3.70 per hour per child. The minimum billing time is one hour each day a child attends.

A $25.00 non-attendance fee will apply if your student attends less than 3 days per week. After 2 weeks of non-attendances, your student will be dropped from the program.

For no school days and holidays, your child must be signed up in advance to attend. The billing rate is $4.20 per hour per child.

If you have any questions regarding your bill, please contact Kerrie Hankinson at [email protected] or (520) 696-8397.

Y.E.S. Locations

There are currently four Y.E.S. Programs in operation, Centennial, Davis, Hendricks, and Richardson. Centennial and Davis hours are 6:30 a.m. − 7:30 a.m. and from 2:10 p.m. − 6:00 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. − 6:00 p.m. on half days.

Hendricks, and Richardson hours are 6:30 a.m. − 7:30 a.m. and from 2:10 p.m. − 6:30 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. − 6:30 p.m. on half days.

Centennial Y.E.S.

2220 W. Wetmore Road
(520) 696-8217
Community School Site Supervisor : Twyla Worcester

[email protected]

*Please note that students attending Laguna Elementary School are welcome to attend the Centennial program since Y.E.S. is not available at their school this year. Transportation from Laguna to Centennial is available at 2:10 p.m. when school ends. Morning YES is not provided for Laguna students.

Davis Y.E.S.

4250 N. Romero Road
(520) 696-8293
Community School Site Supervisor: Abby Hupp

[email protected]

*Please note that students attending Walter Douglas Elementary School are welcome to attend the Homer Davis program since Y.E.S. is not available at their school this year. Transportation from Walter Douglas to Homer Davis is available at 2:10 when school ends and at 5:00 when Skills for Success lets out. Morning YES is not provided for Walter Douglas students.

Hendricks Y.E.S.

3400 W. Orange Grove Road
(520) 696-8420
Community School Site Supervisor: Debbie Villandry

[email protected]

Richardson Y.E.S.

6901 N. Camino De La Tierra
(520) 696-8512
Community School Site Supervisor: Amy Fitzgerald

[email protected]

Program Closure Dates

Please see the program brochure for specific dates and times of closure.


Payments may be made online through your PowerSchool account or at the front office of any school.

Payments cannot be made using the Powerschool app or over the phone.

FWCS YES Program is DES and DHS Licensed

Graphic that reads, "Contact Community Schools"

Flowing Wells Community Schools Administration Office

5001 N. Shannon Rd
(520) 696-8397

Martha Damron, Community Schools Director
[email protected]

Cathy Verdugo Saldate, Community Schools Program Manager
[email protected]

Kerrie Hankinson, Community Schools Operation Specialist
[email protected]