Leave and Retirement

Leave of Absence

On occasion, employees need to take a leave of absence for medical, maternity, care of a family member, etc. Employees may be eligible under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or may take a Board approved leave of absence as outlined in district policy.

If you anticipate a need to take leave, please contact Stacie Stuart at 696-8825 to get started.

Planning on Retiring?

The first step to retiring is to make an appointment with Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) located at 4400 E. Broadway Blvd,. Suite 200. Call 520-239-3100.

Only ASRS can provide you with all the information you need (i.e. how many points you have) in making your decision to retire. Flowing Wells does not have that information.

The ASRS website also provides valuable information about planning for retirement including a retirement benefit estimator. Go to ASRS.

Once you have decided on retirement, submit a PAR to your principal or director.

For questions on Medicare please contact our Benefit Consultant Group, Valley Schools, Medicare specialist Kaylavon Middleton, CMIP. (623) 806-4200 | [email protected]

Click here for the Road to Retirement Guide from ASRS  -->  R2R Guide 6.10.20

Want to Convert or Port your Life Insurance?

Please refer to this handout for information - Life Continuation Website