The Educational Services Department is dedicated to supporting rich and academically rigorous classroom experiences for all students through the coordination of professional development, curriculum and instruction, and technology integration.
Flowing Wells has a long history of recognizing the importance of the skill of the classroom teacher in creating a vibrant and engaging classroom where all students thrive; working toward reaching high academic standards while developing socially and emotionally. To provide teachers with the support needed for professional development, a multi-year plan has been established that begins before the first day in the classroom and that continues throughout each teacher’s career. Our curriculum and instruction delivery models are continually refined and evaluated in light of changing state standards, 21st Century Learning skills, and the experiences our students and teachers bring to the classroom. Technology is used as a tool to enhance the overall curricular experience for our students as it is integrated throughout daily learning experiences.
In all work, we strive to create exceptional learning spaces where all students have support and opportunity to meet their highest potential as they learn, grow, and move forward toward college, career and life ambitions.
Educational Services Staff
Dr. Audrey Reff, Assistant Superintendent
Lydia Tellez, Educational Services Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Rodriguez, Federal Programs Manager
Isabella Porchas, Federal Programs Specialist
Patricia Gutierrez, M.Ed. Director of Professional Development
Megan Larson, M.Ed. Professional Development Specialist
Jennifer De Filippis, District Reading Specialist
Anna Heyer, District Science Specialist
Demetria Murray, District Math Specialist
Fax: 520-690-2400