Flowing Wells Educational Foundation (FWEF)

Flowing Wells Educational Foundation creates a dynamic source of community support for Flowing Wells School District projects and programs. The Foundation opens doors for the District to access funds that would otherwise be unattainable. These funds include donations and matching funds from the business and professional community, donations from clubs, organizations, and individuals, and grants from local, state, and federal agencies.

The Foundation raises funds by accepting donations, writing grants, and sponsoring our annual carnival, The Flowing Wells Homecoming Festival.  Monies earned and obtained by the Foundation are used to fund school and education related projects, specifically, mini-grants for teachers to use directly in their classrooms, and scholarships for underprivileged Flowing Wells students attending college.  In addition, our foundation funds various other classroom, department, grade level, school, or district-wide projects.

Mission Statement
Creating connections in the Flowing Wells community through resourcefulness while fostering joy in teaching and learning.


If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Flowing Wells Educational Foundation, please use the secure PayPal button below or send a check to Flowing Wells Educational Foundation c/o Flowing Wells School District 1556 W. Prince Road, Tucson, AZ 85705.

Executive Board Members

Patrick Burns
Vice President:   Marie Daily
Rebecca Wicker
Treasurer:   Jennifer August
Members:   Dr. David Baker
    Lynette Christian
    Dr. Nicholas Clement
    Robert Dutcher (ex-officio)

  Devra Gideon
    Mary Holloway (ex-officio)
    Karen King
    James Kisner
    Stuart Meinke
 Administrative Liaison:   Dr. Kimberley Parkinson

The Foundation enthusiastically welcomes all persons interested in the welfare of students and families of the Flowing Wells School District to participate.

Contact us by emailing: [email protected]


Pima Federal